Saturday, July 22, 2017

Integral Peace Blessing

The Integral Peace Blessing is an integral cinematic experiment playing with an integral peace blessing I discovered. I say "discovered" because it just came out of me during the recording of one of my lived inquiry research video journals.

I have been contemplating what an integrally informed peace practice would be like for some time and this emerged organically out of that process when I began to use the phrase "peace out" that I picked up from hanging out with some young "more hip than me" folks. This unfolded into me organically using four variations on the phrase..."Peace Out, Peace In, Peace In-Between, Peace all Around." It was only after this arose out of me that I realized the four variations perfectly fit into the four quadrants of Integral Theory...Peace Out = Peaceful Actions (UR/Behavioral), Peace In = Inner Peace (UL/Psycho-Spiritual), Peace In Between = Peaceful Relations (LL/Relational), Peace All Around = Collective Peace (LR/Systemic).

After this revelation I then used an integrally-informed editing practice I have been developing to play with the section of the video journal where this integral peace blessing emerged. When I meditated on the video segment I attempted to allow an integrally-informed stream of consciousness state to guide me in the process. What unfolded was a layering of multiple visual and auditory effects to create a visual peace meditation-type experience.

After completing a first draft of the short piece I sensed a need to add audio entrainment music to take it to the next level. I played with several tracks from the iAwake Technologies' collection that seemed peace oriented and a short section from the "Healing Light" entrainment track seemed to organically fit with the visuals.

For this final draft I expanding the piece by repeating the blessing several times, changing the color tinting so that the visuals move through the color spectrum. At the same time I added an audio effect to voicing of the blessing to give the sense that the voice expands into a larger and larger spatial reality with each expression of the blessing.

Special thanks for Jimmy Lusero​ and Jonathan Steigman​ for their valuable feedback which profoundly help shape this work...and...

Deep gratitude to the gang from iAwake Technologies for graciously donating their collections to the Integral Cinema Project for use in our experiments. "Healing Light" can be found at:

Friday, February 13, 2015

iPeace Project Co-Sponsors the Building the New World Conference

The iPeace Project is a Co-Sponsor of the upcoming Building the New World Conference Hosted by Radford University in Radford, Virginia May 28th thru May 31st, 2015.


The world needs a positive vision and a concrete strategy for planetary peace and sustainability. Equally important are the universal principles of justice, prosperity, and spiritual freedom for all.

The Building the New World Conference (“BTNW”) will focus on the reality that planet Earth is endangered in multiple, interconnected ways. We also need to recognize that it is no longer feasible to reform the current corrupt institutions. Therefore, in order to "Build the New World," humanity must quickly shift from imperialism to social democracy, from materialism to altruism, from a global war-system to a worldwide peace-system, from unsustainable environmental destruction to resilient organic networks, and from religious separation to the redeeming state of spiritual unity. In sum, we must collectively move from fragmentation to holism … and fast!

This integrated vision of the future necessarily includes many areas of inquiry and development. The conference is based on the Wheel of Co-Creation" designed by Barbara Marx Hubbard, who is opening the conference. The sectors include: Learning & Education, Communications & Media, Art & Culture, Economics & Business, Peacebuilding & Relations, Justice & Governance, Health & Wellness, Food, Water & Environment, Infrastructure & Resources, Science & Technology, and Spirituality & Religion.

BTNW will encourage real action via strategic transformation in each of the enumerated sectors. Please engage in this adventure of a lifetime. Attend BTNW and be part of a team of dedicated lightworkers who will help define and design our collective future!


Monday, December 29, 2014

iPeace Mantra-Mandala Faith Traditions

I have received several questions around the process of inclusion and exclusion of the faith traditions included in the iPeace Mantra and Mandala practice. Since it was impossible to include all the many faith traditions in the world in this one practice, the process of inclusion and exclusion of which faith traditions would be included was a very careful, meditative and challenging endeavor that included rigorous scholarly research, deep spiritual inquiry, and the application of linguistic and audiovisual psycho-spiritual dynamics.

There were several factors involved in the choosing of which faith traditions were included or excluded in this mantra-mandala peace practice including the inherent requirements and limitations involved in the creation and practice of mantra repetition and mandala gazing; the faith tradition’s level of interconnectedness with major linguistic streams and archetypal patterns and symbols; the structures of consciousness associated with the tradition; the historical, cultural, and geopolitical impact and demographics of the tradition; and the degree of separation, psychic wounding and call for healing and peace associated with the tradition. Below is a chart of the included words and symbols of the iPeace Mantra and Mandala and their correlated linguistic, symbolic, faith, and cultural streams:

Faith Traditions
Cultural Traditions
Medicine Wheel
Primal Traditions - Shamanic, Aboriginal, African
Indigenous Traditions
Celtic Knot
Pagan/Polytheistic Traditions - Goddess, Druid, Celtic, Wicca, Greek
Folk and Ethnic Traditions
Sanskrit Om
Indian Traditions
Star of David
Abrahamic Traditions
East Asian Traditions
Dharmacakra (Wheel of Dharma)
Indian Traditions
Abrahamic Traditions
Star and Crescent
Abrahamic Traditions

While not all faith traditions are directly included in this mantra-mandala peace practice, the practice has been designed to resonantly include all faiths on a subtle level by including and linking major linguistic and archetypal streams with these select traditions producing an intra-psychic synchronization of a vast number of cultural, linguistic, and spiritual and faith tradition streams. The theory behind this is that if enough dimensions and perspectives are integrated and synchronized it produces a generalizing resonance effect embracing all dimensions and perspectives, much like how a tuning fork’s vibration will spread to and resonant with other tuning forks around it. For example, the Baha'i tradition is resonantly connected through its roots in the represented Abrahamic cultural, religious, linguistic, and archetypal streams of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and by its resonance with the practices’ more general pattern of the integration of other traditions; and Zoroastrianism is resonantly linked through its deep connection to both the represented Abrahamic and Indian cultural, religious, linguistic, and archetypal streams. 

Above is a word cloud representing some of the major world spiritual and faith traditions coded by color to represent the associated and resonant cultural traditions; with the size of each tradition’s name representing the current and/or historical size of its population of adherents. The colors representing the major cultural faith streams include: Blue for the Abrahamic Traditions; red for Indian Traditions; yellow for East Asian Traditions; orange for Folk and Ethnic Traditions; red for Indigenous Traditions; and violet for Hybrid Traditions. Note that the term “Hybrid Traditions” refers to traditions that have multiple cultural historical roots. While the Baha'i faith has a multi-cultural and multi-tradition embrace in its theology and practices, it is not considered hybrid in the sense that it has clear and direct roots in the Abrahamic streams. 

In addition to this mantra-mandala peace practice I am working on other longer-forms of peace practices including a video meditation practice that will attempt to include all living faith traditions, including Zoroastrianism, Baha'i, Shinto, and many others.. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Meditation for Interfaith Peace

The iPeace Mandala  and Mantra

In the service of advancing inner and outer peace between faith traditions I created and practice this Mantra-Mandala Meditation for Interfaith Peace, and offer it here for those who wish to use it as part of their own meditation and/or peace practice.


Sipala Sith Shanti Shalom T'ai Sidi Pax Salaam

The iPeace Mantra is a compilation of eight words for PEACE from eight different languages used to represent the eight major streams of world spiritual traditons:  Primal Traditions, Paganism/Polytheism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.  The words are arranged in the chronological/historical order of the emergence of each of these faiths. The purpose and intent of this mantra is to nurture and amplify personal and collective peace. This mantra can be used by itself or as part of any mantra meditation practice or in combination with the below mandala meditation. For a audio sample of the mantra visit the iPeace Project at:

Primal Traditions - Shamanic, Aboriginal
Pagan/Polytheistic Traditions - Goddess, Druid, Celtic, Wicca, Greek


The iPeace Mandala 

The iPeace Mandala is an assemblage of eight symbols from eight major streams of world spiritual traditions: Primal Traditions, Paganism/Polytheism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. These symbols are set in a circle around an image of the earth and within a beautiful mandala pattern by artist Maja Apolonia Rode.

Surrounding these images are the words of the iPeace Mantra which, as stated above, is a compilation of eight words for PEACE from eight different languages representing each of the eight traditions. The symbols and words are arranged in the chronological/historical order of the emergence of each of these faiths. The purpose and intent of this mandala is to nurture and amplify personal and collective peace. Gazing at this mandala while repeating the mantra has been a powerful and transformative practice for me. 

A free printable copy of the iPeace Mandala is available at: For those wishing to spread the iPeace Mantra and Mandala energy through other dimensions of their life or share it with others, you can purchase iPeace Mantra and Mandala Note Cards, T-Shirts, Posters, Stickers, Mugs, and more at the iPeace Project store at:

With blessings of peace for all faiths and peoples...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Seeking Peace

My heart has wept many times over the last few years over the seemingly endless and violent conflicts between some of the worlds religious traditions and cultures. Like so many others, I have yearned to find a way to help bring about peace between the faiths. From this place of deep yearning, I began developing an interfaith daily practice to see if I could personally find and affirm an energetic harmony between the traditions. To my amazement the practices of the different faiths that I was exploring merged into one long beautiful sacred dance of movement, meditation, contemplation, chanting, and visualization. As part of this sacred dance I was guided to look up the words for peace in different languages and was further moved to develop an Interfaith and Integral Spirituality iPeace Mantra which I now perform several times a day.

This iPeace Mantra that emerged from my practice is a compilation of eight words for PEACE from eight different languages used to represent the eight major streams of world spiritual traditions: Primal Traditions, Paganism, Hinduism, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. The words are arranged in the chronological/historical order of the emergence of each of these faiths. The purpose and intent of this mantra is to nurture and amplify personal and collective peace.


The eight words of the iPeace Mantra are:

Sipala Sith Shanti Shalom T'ai Sidi Pax Salaam.

Sipala is the Hopi word for peace and represents the Primal Traditions (Shamanic , Aboriginal, etc).

Sith is the Gaelic word for peace and represents the Pagan Traditions (Goddess, Druid, Celtic, Wicca , Greek, etc.).

Shanti is the Hindi word for peace and represents the Hindu tradition.

Shalom is the Hebrew word for peace and represents the Judaic tradition.

T’ai is a Chinese word for peace and represents the Taoist tradition.

Sidi is the Tibetan word for peace and represents the Buddhist tradition.

Pax is the Latin word for peace and represents Christianity .

Salaam is the Arabic word for peace and represents Islam.


As part of this practice, I also developed the above iPeace Mandala with the words of the iPeace Mantra and symbols from each tradition set within a mandala pattern created by a dear friend of mine, artist Maja Apolonia Rode.

The iPeace Mantra and Mandala can be found at the iPeace Project web page.